Collection: Osher Map Library Collection
Page Name: Richards Standard Atlas of the City of Portland
Name: Richards Standard Atlas of the City of Portland
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Full Title: Richards Standard Atlas of the City of Portland, including the city of So. Portland, Maine, containing 24 double page maps in colors, covering the entire city, showing every lot line, building, owner's name, electric and steam railways, sewers, water mains, etc. Areas of each lot in square feet and acres. Based upon and carefully compiled from, the official plans, surveys, and records of the city engineers, assessors and other municipal departments, together with private plans, and from actual surveys and investigations by the publishers' special corps of engineers. Under the personal direction of Harold H. Richards.
Bound Atlas:
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Dimensions: Height: 58
Physical Description: 1 atlas: [1], 23 double plates including 63 colored maps
LC Call Number: G1219.P8 R5 1914
OCLC: 2773691
Accession Number: OML-1914-33