Winner: “York, Maine” by Margaret L. from Eliot (Homeschooled)
Second Place: “Map of Greek Mythology” by Avella M. from Harrison Middle School
Third Place: “The Wizarding World through Harry Potter’s Eyes” by Lucy O. from Longfellow Elementary
“Stellawana” by Tashi D. from Maine Coast Waldorf School
“Casco Bay” by Murreal W. from Maine Coast Waldorf School
“Cat Island” by Morgan G. from Yarmouth Middle School
“Marvelous Universe” by Leah C. from Harrison Middle School
“Mount Desert Island” by Kacie L. from Greely Middle School
“Bogsmania” by Emi R. from Harrison Middle School
“Map of the United States” by Dylan M. from Sea Road School
Marshall H. from Caribou
Caribou Middle School, Mrs. Lavassuer
Trent H. from Caribou
Artoostook County Map
Caribou Middle School, Mr. Martin
Addison C. from Fort Kent
Oregon Average Annual Precipation
Fort Kent Elementary, Mrs. Desjardins
Shyann B. from Fort Kent
The United States and the Surrounding Countries
Fort Kent Elementary, Mrs. Desjardins
Dawson J. from Fort Kent
Climate map of Hawaii
Fort Kent Elementary, Mrs. Desjardins
Kieli S. from Machiasport
Alaska: The Last Frontier
Fort O’Brien, Mrs. Crocker
Lola Z. from Machiasport
Map of France
Fort O’Brien, Mrs. Crocker
Dawson F. from Machiasport
Turtle Island
Fort O’Brien, Mrs. Crocker
Kaleb G. from Machiasport
Fort O’Brien, Mrs. Crocker
Amelia D. from Yarmouth
Magical Mystery Tour
Waynflete, Mrs. Bicknell
Jackson B. from Gorham
Village Elementary School, Ms. Meggison
Tashi D. from Brunswick
Maine Coast Waldorf School, Ms. Pow
Chloe S. from N. Yarmouth
New England
Maine Coast Waldorf School, Ms. Pow
Ronan B. from Waterford
Newland Islands
Harrison Middle School School, Mr. Thornton
Tula R. from Freeport
The Watercolor USA
Maine Coast Waldorf School, Ms. Pow
Elyse E. from Durham
Prince Edward Island
Maine Coast Waldorf School, Ms. Pow
Conner E. from Farmington
US Regions
Cascade Brook School, Mrs. Rondinone
Sean W. from Waterville
Mount Merici Academy, Mrs. Jess Beers
Makayla G. from New Gloucester
Fantasy Island
Gray New Gloucester Middle School, Ms. Campbell
Tyanna G. from Waterville
The Crazy Map
Mount Merici Academy, Mrs. Beers
Isabelle P. from Waterville
Welcome to Hawaii
Mount Merici Academy, Mrs. Beers
Jordan B. from Waterville
The Hollywood Island
Mount Merici Academy, Mrs. Beers
Sadie F. from Waterville
Sadie’s Dream World
Mount Merici Academy, Mrs. Beers
Leah Z. from Waterville
Zoo Island
Mount Merici Academy, Mrs. Beers
Jackson P. from China
Mount Merici Academy, Mrs. Beers
Alexander B. from Sidney
Icerink Island
Mount Merici Academy, Mrs. Beers
Murreal W. from Freeport
Casco Bay
Maine Coast Waldorf School, Ms. Pow
Leah C. from Yarmouth
Marvelous Universe
Harrison Middle School, Mr. Smith
Mia L. from Yarmouth
Harrison Middle School, Ms. Shaw
Helena B. from Scarborough
Wentworth, Mrs. Young
George B. from Yarmouth
Harrison Middle School, Mr. Smith
Metta L. from Yarmouth
Harrison Middle School, Mr. Smith
Finn M. from Yarmouth
Harrison Middle School, Mrs. Jagolinzer
Katya F. from Yarmouth
Harrison Middle School, Mrs. Jagolinzer
Elle G. from Yarmouth
What I Love About Maine
Harrison Middle School, Mr. Smith
Jay D. from Yarmouth
The Underworld: Erebos
Harrison Middle School, Mr. Smith
Will R. from Yarmouth
Harrison Middle School, Mr. Smith
Avella M. from Yarmouth
Greek Mythology
Harrison Middle School, Mr. Smith
Morgan G. from Yarmouth
Cat Island
Harrison Middle School, Mr. Smith
Alivia T. from Yarmouth
Animals of Maine
Harrison Middle School, Mr. Smith
Grace K. from Yarmouth
Dog Mania
Harrison Middle School, Ms. Rollins
Vagni D. from Yarmouth
Warrior Cat Island
Harrison Middle School, Ms. Rollins
Imogen W. from Yarmouth
Memory World
Harrison Middle School, Mr. Smith
Sofia M. from Yarmouth
Harrison Middle School, Mr. Smith
Jonah H. from Yarmouth
Fenway Park
Harrison Middle School, Mr. Smith
Gude L. from Yarmouth
Bormuta (Bermuda) Atlantis
Harrison Middle School, Mr. Smith
Emi R. from Yarmouth
Harrison Middle School, Mrs. Shaw
Aubrey F. from Yarmouth
Dog Haven
Harrison Middle School, Mrs. Shaw
Will B. from Ellsworth
Ellsworth Elementary-Middle School, Mrs. Billings
Mason G. from Ellswoeth
Pearl Harbor in 1941
Ellsworth Elementary-Middle School, Mrs. Billings
Cavan J. from Mariaville
North America
Ellsworth Elementary-Middle School, Mrs. Billings
Trew T. from Hampden
Chihuahua Island
Weatherbee School, Mr. Lindeman
Andy H. from Falmouth
Maine Coast Waldorf School, Ms. Pow
Jaidyn S. from Durham
The Town of Durham
Maine Coast Waldorf School, Ms. Pow
Clara B. from Brunswick
Maine Coast Waldorf School, Ms. Pow
Dylan M. from Kennebunk
The United States of America
Sea Road School, Mr. Chapman
Noah T. from Yarmouth
Cloud World
Harrison Middle School, Mr. Smith
Sally M. from Yarmouth
Harrison Middle School, Ms. Greely
Camden-May B. from Yarmouth
Publius Mythicala
Harrison Middle School, Mrs. Shaw
Natalie R. from Yarmouth
Ice Cream Island
Harrison Middle School, Mr. Smith
Colby C. from Yarmouth
Harrison Middle School, Mrs. Rollins
Adelaide A. from Yarmouth
Foods of America
Harrison Middle School, Mr. Smith
Keira C. from Yarmouth
Maine and Aloha Map
Harrison Middle School, Mr. Smith
Chloe G. from Otisfield
Real Hockey
Otisfield Community School, Ms. Johnson
Addison L. from Yarmouth
Map of Maine
Harrison Middle School, Mr. Smith
Rose C. from Yarmouth
Somewhere Over the Rainbow Land
Harrison Middle School, Ms. Rollins
Sergio D. from Yarmouth
Sports in Massachusetts
Harrison Middle School, Ms. Rollins
Violet B. from Yarmouth
Greek Gods
Harrison Middle School, Mr. Smith
Evelyn B. from Alfred
Crabby Claw Island
Alfred Elementary School, Mrs. Brock
Ethan R. from Lyman
History Island
Alfred Elementary School, Mrs. Brock
Ava K. from Kennebunk
Aloha Island
Sea Road School, Ms. Gagnon
Wyatt M. from Alfred
Alfred Elementary School, Mr. Marines
Emily C. from Alfred
Breakfast Island
Alfred Elementary School, Mr. Marines
Ruby C. from Alfred
Unicorn Island
Alfred Elementary School, Mr. Marines
Brian D. from Alfred
Banana Fish Island
Alfred Elementary School, Mr. Marines
Niola M. from Alfred
Radical Rhyming ISland
Alfred Elementary School, Mr. Marines
Kate L. from Alfred
Honshoe Monshoe Islands
Alfred Elementary School, Mr. Marines
Walker V. from Alfred
The Sheiteland Isles
Alfred Elementary School, Mr. Marines
Brenna C. from Wyman
Once Upon a Time
Alfred Elementary School, Mr. Marines
Jackson N. from Alfred
Texas Island
Alfred Elementary School, Mr. Marines
Mansa M. from Alfred
IIawatt Island
Alfred Elementary School, Mr. Marines
Shawn P. from Alfred
Amoeba Island
Alfred Elementary School, Mr. Marines
Kelsey H. from Alfred
Cake Island
Alfred Elementary School, Mr. Marines
Piper N. from Alfred
Dancing Dream Island
Alfred Elementary School, Mr. Marines
Savannah P. from Alfred
True Love Island
Alfred Elementary School, Mrs. Brock
Benjamin R. from Waterboro
Vader Island
Alfred Elementary School, Mrs. Brock
Meda M. from Alfred
Bupcake Island
Alfred Elementary School, Mrs. Brock
Gianni C. from Alfred
Star Island
Alfred Elementary School, Mrs. Brock
Eden B. from Alfred
Salty Salt Island
Alfred Elementary School, Mrs. Brock
Sydney C. from Alfred
Waylon Island
Alfred Elementary School, Mrs. Brock
Kylie B. from Alfred
Butterfly Island
Alfred Elementary School, Mrs. Brock
Kacie L. from Cumberland Forside
Mount Desert Island
Greely MS, Mrs. White
Forest G. from Alfred
Alfred Elementary School, Mrs. Brock
Destiny M. from Alfred
Heartness Island
Alfred Elementary School, Mrs. Brock
Noella C. from Alfred
Fire Breathing Island
Alfred Elementary School, Mrs. Brock
Fable S. from Alfred
Isle of Man
Alfred Elementary School, Mrs. Brock
Cade P. from North Yarmouth
Cute Canine Country
GMS MSAD 51, Mrs. Thomas
Jakub S. from Waterboro
School Bus Island
Alfred Elementary School, Mrs. Brock
Isaac D. from Alfred
Sharkbite Island
Alfred Elementary School, Mrs. Brock
Lucas H. from Alfred
Destructive Island
Alfred Elementary School, Mrs. Brock
Connor D. from Hampden
Main Street on Rising Island
Weatherbee School, Mr. Lindemann
Andrew S. from Hampden
Weatherbee School, Mr. Lindemann
Jackson F. from Hampden
Stangeness and Wombats
Weatherbee School, Mr. Lindemann
Kaegan Y. from Old Town
Food Land
Dr. Lewis S. Libby School, Ms. Curtis
Isabelle I. from Veazie
Mystery Island
Veazie Community School, Ms. Curtis
Sarah P. from Milford
Cat Land
Dr. Lewis S. Libby School, Ms. Curtis
Margaret L. from Eliot
York, Maine
Homeschooled, Mrs. Lynch (York Public Library)
Isabella F. from Hampden
New England’s Nicknames
Weatherbee School, Mr. Lindemann
Kaeden G. from Topsham
Maine Coast Waldorf School, Ms. Pow
Cash L. from Hampden
Sports Universe
Weatherbee School, Mr. Lindemann
Kiersten S. from Hampden
Fabulous Foods of the USA
Weatherbee School, Mr. Lindemann
Jake O. from Bangor
Greasy Grove
Weatherbee School, Mr. Lindemann
Isla T. from Old Orchard Beach
Loranger Middle School, Ms. Clark/Giguere
Danielle M. from Old Orchard Beach
Loranger Middle School, Ms. Clark
Shawn O. from Old Orchard Beach
Doodle Empire
Loranger Middle School, Ms. Clark/Giguere
Hailey A. from Old Orchard Beach
Cotton Candy World
Loranger Middle School, Ms. Clark
Megan D. from Old Orchard Beach
Map of America
Loranger Middle School, Ms. Clark
Ethan T. from Old Orchard Beach
The Life of Maine
Loranger Middle School, Ms. Clark
Hannah W. from Old Orchard Beach
Dessert Island
Loranger Middle School, Ms. Clark
Haylie D. from Old Orchard Beach
Treasure Island
Loranger Middle School, Ms. Clark/Giguere
Eleanor D. from Westbrook
Westbrook Middle School, Ms. Trace
Alivia K. from Westbrook
Every Which Way
Westbrook Middle School, Ms. Trace
Sheba K. from Westbrook
Just Believe
Westbrook Middle School, Ms. Trace
Eliza K. from Westbrook
Country of Pizza
Westbrook Middle School, Ms. Trace
Jackson T. from Westbrook
Westbrook Middle School, Ms. Trace
Sadie C. from Westbrook
Brand U.S.A.
Westbrook Middle School, Ms. Trace
Maeve T. from Westbrook
Westbrook Middle School, Ms. Trace
Gloria C. from Westbrook
Westbrook Middle School, Ms. Trace
Jasmine S. from Westbrook
Monster Island
Westbrook Middle School, Ms. Trace
Tessa M. from Gorham
Narragansett, Ms. Grady
Lauren G. from Gorham
Papa Gino’s Land
Narragansett, Ms. Grady
Aubrie C. from Gorham
Map ‘o’ Potato Land
Narragansett, Ms. Grady
Izak S. from Gorham
Chocolate Land
Narragansett, Ms. Grady
Jocelyn C. from Gorham
The State of Disorder
Narragansett, Ms. Grady
Cameron C. from Gorham
Super Sea Clam Videogame
Narragansett, Ms. Grady
Aidan D. from Gorham
Narragansett, Ms. Grady
Grace C. from Scarborough
Wentworth School, Mrs. Sullivan
Abigail R. from Scarborough
Abby’s Kingdom
Wentworth School, Mrs. Sullivan
Jonathan K. from Lewiston
Montello Elementary School, Ms. Flanigan
Israel M. from Lewiston
The Land of the Knight
Montello Elementary School, Ms. Flanigan
Jesus R. from Lewiston
The Old Map
Montello Elementary School, Ms. Flanigan
Telise M. from Lewiston
Montello Elementary School, Ms. Flanigan
Delaney O. from Lewiston
Yahoo Land
Montello Elementary School, Ms. Flanigan
Asher V. from Hampden
The Pine Tree State
Weatherbee School, Mrs. Dawson
Olivia M. from Old Orchard Beach
Map of Australia
Loranger Memorial School, Mrs. Clark/Mrs. Giguere
Joe F. from Old Orchard Beach
Cheese World
Loranger Memorial School, Mrs. Clark
Adora W. from Ocean Park
The Land of Mysteries
Loranger Memorial School, Mrs. Clark/Mrs. Giguere
Lucy F. from Orrington
Wild Horse Island
Center Drive School, Ms. Seekins
Gaige T. from Orrington
Coce Island
Center Drive School, Ms. Seekins
Emma J. from Orrington
Center Drive School, Ms. Seekins
Grace-Lyn H. from Orrington
Center Drive School, Ms. Seekins
Brooke H. from Orrington
Random Islands
Center Drive School, Ms. Seekins
Gage S. from Orrington
Center Drive School, Ms. Seekins
Catarina F. from Orrington
Center Drive School, Ms. Seekins
Elizabeth B. from Orrington
Kingdom of Animals
Center Drive School, Ms. Seekins
Jillian F. from Orrington
Sloth Side Country
Center Drive School, Ms. Seekins
Keianna S. from Orrington
Candy Land Island
Center Drive School, Ms. Seekins
Jett M. from Orrington
Land of Necromes
Center Drive School, Ms. Seekins
Logan S. from Orrington
Kennekin Island
Center Drive School, Ms. Seekins
Ella B. from Orrington
Center Drive School, Ms. Seekins
Maya S. from Orrington
Ashy’s Rainbow Island
Center Drive School, Ms. Seekins
Colby S. from Orrington
Center Drive School, Ms. Seekins
Makayla D. from Orrington
Center Drive School, Ms. Seekins
Kelsie M. from Orrington
Center Drive School, Ms. Seekins
Tristan C. from Winthrop
Trails of the Wild
Winthrop Grade School, Mrs. Spellman
John Jackson O. from Winthrop
Winthrop Grade School, Mrs. Spellman
Sadie M. from Winthrop
The Land of Never
Winthrop Grade School, Mrs. Spellman
Haley R. from Winthrop
Water Park
Winthrop Grade School, Mrs. Spellman
Jayden P. from Winthrop
Tvrtko Planet
Winthrop Grade School, Mrs. Spellman
Breanna R. from Winthrop
Forever Land
Winthrop Grade School, Mrs. Spellman
Madeline P. from Winthrop
The Barking Barn Farm
Winthrop Grade School, Mrs. Spellman
Brynn S. from Reedfield
Pirates Aboard
Winthrop Grade School, Mrs. Spellman
Mackenzie O. from Winthrop
Loving the World
Winthrop Grade School, Mrs. Spellman
Brynn T. from Winthrop
Winthrop Grade School, Mrs. Spellman
Caedence C. from Winthrop
World 24.6.16
Winthrop Grade School, Mrs. Spellman
Nate S. from Kennebunk
Sea Road School, Ms. Gagnon
Declan A. from Hampden
Alien Scout Ship 201
Weatherbee School, Mr. Lindeman
Lucy O. from Portland
The Wizarding World Through Harry Potter’s Eyes
Longfellow Elementary School, Ms. Pratt
Shane T. from Cape Elizabeth
Hog Head Island
Cape Elizabeth Middle School, Mr. Whaley
Koray K. from Augusta
Central America & South America
Maine Coast Waldorf School, Ms. Pow
Ellis W. from Portland
Wings of Fire Dragon World
Longfellow Elementary School, Ms. Pratt
Chloe K. from Portland
The Land of Time
Longfellow Elementary School, Mr. Connolly
Django T. from Kennebunk
Skull Island
Sea Road Schol, Mr. Chapman
Tanner A. from Scarborough
Map of Doggone Battle
Wentworth, Mr. Needle
Ethan C. from Kennebunk
Treasure Map of Detinu Setats
Sea Road Schol, Mr. Chapman
Laurel D. from Scarborough
Early Times Scarborough
Wentworth, Mr. Needle
Jack D. from Indian Township
Taqanan State
Indian Township Schpp;, Ms. Dean
Jonah N. from Princeton
Indian Township Schpp;, Ms. Dean
Asli O. from Lewiston
Maine Through My Eye
McMahon Elementary School, Ms. Savage
Klara C. from Lewiston
McMahon Elementary School, Ms. Savage
Gemma B. from Lewiston
McMahon Elementary School, Ms. Donatelli
Tori C. from Lewiston
Our World
McMahon Elementary School, Ms. Savage
Khyana O. from Princeton
Food Island
Indian Township School, Ms. Dean
Blake B. from Indian Township
Indian Township School, Ms. Dean
Ava L. from Indian Township
Fortnite Island
Indian Township School, Ms. Dean
Chayedon N. from Indian Township
Indian Township School, Ms. Dean
Jayden W. from Lewiston
Pastel World Map
McMahon Elementary School, Ms. Savage
Mia R. from New Gloucester
Gray New Gloucester Middle School, M. Campbell
Beatrice S. from Gray
Maine Coast Waldorf School, Ms. Pow
Olivia M. from Wiscasset
The Random World
Wiscasset Elementary, Sr. Stygles
Elle W. from Gorham
Mapping Acts of Kindness
Narragansett, Ms. Grady
Sophia D. from Mechanic Falls
Icing Mountain
Elm St. School, Ms. Smith