Riley A. from Chebeague Island
Littlefield Woods
Chebeague Island School, Ms. Loder, 5th Grade
Corinne A. from Old Orchard Beach
My Story Town
Loranger Memorial School, Ms. Clark, 5th Grade
Kamryn A. from Old Orchard Beach
Vinalhaven Maine
Loranger Memorial School, Ms. Clark, 5th Grade
Nora B. from Portland
Honor Port Islands
Reiche Elementary, Mr. Brewster, 5th Grade
Anthony B. from Chebeague Island
Littlefield Woods
Chebeague Island School, Ms. Loder, 4th Grade
Maya B. from Gray
The Blue Moon Islands
Fiddlehead School of Arts and Sciences, Mr. Erde, 5th Grade
Judges 1st Choice for 5th Grade
Anna B. from Harpswell
People of the Dawnland: Wabanaki Tribes of the Northeast Coast
Homeschooled, Curtis Memorial Library, 6th Grade
2nd Place Winner
Tyler B. from Orrington
Leonard Middle School, Mrs. Bailey, 6th Grade
Michael B. from Scarborough
Sports Bay
Holy Cross School, Mrs. Halvorsen, 6th Grade
Julia B. from Scarborough
Mt. Enchanted Treasure Map
Holy Cross School, Mrs. Halvorsen, 4th Grade
Andrew B. from South Portland
Holy Cross School, Mrs. Halvorsen, 6th Grade
Evelyn B. from South Portland
Minecraft Village
Holy Cross School, Mrs. Halvorsen, 4th Grade
Teddy B. from Cape Elizabeth
Sea Glass Isles
Cape Elizabeth Middle, Ms. Caruso, 6th Grade
Judges 1st Choice for 6th Grade
Sophie B. from Cape Elizabeth
The Calico
Pond Cove Elementary, Mrs. Ham, 4th Grade
Judges 1st Choice for 4th Grade
Delia B. from Greene
Map of Pyrrhia
Fiddlehead School of Arts and Sciences, Ms. Loupe, 6th Grade
Top Twelve
Ella B. from South Portland
Horse Valley
Holy Cross School, Mrs. Halvorsen, 4th Grade
Osa B. from Windham
The Enchanged Forest
Fiddlehead School of Arts and Sciences, Sarah Hamill, 4th Grade
Thomas B. from Newfield
Hilltop Boilers
Line Elementary, Mrs. Karish, 5th Grade
Julia B. from Newfield
Hilltop Farm
Line Elementary, Ms. Karish, 5th Grade
Aibreann C. from New Gloucester
Bare Foot Island
Fiddlehead School of Arts and Sciences, Mr. Erde, 5th Grade
Daniel C. from Old Orchard Beach
Sports Mania
Loranger Memorial School, Ms. Clark, 5th Grade
Jack C. from Brunswick
Burger Isle
Brunswick Jr. High, Mr. Levy, 6th Grade
Abigail C. from Old Town
Tropical Falls
Leonard Middle School, Mrs. Henry, 6th Grade
Arianna C. from Standish
Map of Maine
George E. Jack School, Mrs. Evans, 5th Grade
Matthew C. from Old Orchard Beach
Calendar Islands
Loranger Memorial School, Ms. Clark, 5th Grade
Kolby C. from Scarborough
The Arctic Island
Holy Cross School, Mrs. Halvorsen, 4th Grade
Ruby C. from Scarborough
Dream Land
Holy Cross School, Mrs. Halvorsen, 4th Grade
Addison C. from Argyle
Georgia State
Leonard Middle School, Ms. Pratt, 6th Grade
Ashley C. from South Portland
Out of this World
Holy Cross School, Mrs. Halvorsen, 4th Grade
Dominic C. from South Portland
United States of America
Holy Cross School, Mrs. Halvorsen, 5th Grade
Payton C. from South Portland
Payton’s Butterfly Sanctuary
Holy Cross School, Mrs. Halvorsen, 6th Grade
Viola C. from Georgetown
Animal World
Maine Coast Waldorf School, Ms. McQueen, 4th Grade
Esme C. from Chebeague Island
Littlefield Woods
Chebeague Island School, Ms. Loder, 5th Grade
Ian C. from Old Orchard Beach
Sandy Shallows
Loranger Memorial School, Ms. Clark, 5th Grade
Ezra C. from Freeport
Last Forest Ski Mountain
Maine Coast Waldorf School, Ms. McQueen, 4th Grade
Evelyn C. from South Berwick
Kinkajou Land
Marshwood Great Works School, Mrs. Girouard, 5th Grade
Cameron C. from Old Orchard Beach
Costa Teka
Loranger Memorial School, Mrs. Clark, 5th Grade
Brady C. from Lincoln
Maine Island
Mattanawcook Jr. High, Ms. Whittier, 5th Grade
Lily C. from Brunswick
Winter Wonderland
Brunswick Jr. High, Mr. Kozak, 6th Grade
Harper C. from Lewiston
Peka Island
Fiddlehead School of Arts and Sciences, Ms. Damon, 4th Grade
George D. from Portland
Maine Coast Waldorf School, Ms. McQueen, 4th Grade
Alice D. from Cape Elizabeth
Divided Kingdoms
Pond Cove Elementary, Mrs. Ham, 4th Grade
Cortland D. from New Gloucester
Galleta de Chocolate!!!!
Fiddlehead School of Arts and Sciences, Ms. Damon, 5th Grade
Carmine D. from Old Orchard Beach
Loranger Memorial School, Ms. Clark, 5th Grade
Aaliyah D. from Eliot
Karate Land
Marshwood Great Works School, Mrs. Girouard, 5th Grade
Benjamin D. from Cape Elizabeth
Fogy Island
Holy Cross School, Mrs. Halvorsen, 4th Grade
Alexander E. from Cape Elizabeth
My Town
Pond Cove Elementary, Ms. Ham, 4th Grade
Lee E. from Scarborough
Map of Maine
Holy Cross School, Mrs. Halvorsen, 6th Grade
Evie E. from Scarborough
The Grand Canyon
Holy Cross School, Mrs. Halvorsen, 4th Grade
Van E. from North Yarmouth
Mexico and Latin America
Greely MS, M. MacFarland, 4th Grade
Alexander F. from South Portland
North Carolina
Holy Cross School, Mrs. Halvorsen, 4th Grade
Lucca F. from Portland
Island Map
Holy Cross School, Mrs. Halvorsen, 4th Grade
Isabella F. from South Portland
Poppy and Izzy Island
Holy Cross School, Mrs. Halvorsen, 5th Grade
Braden F. from Gorham
Map of Gorham
Narragansett Elementary, Mr. Douglass, 4th Grade
Asher F. from Brunswick
Endangered Species Archipelago
Brunswick Jr. High, Mrs. Sullivan, 6th Grade
1st Place
Cameron G. from Gorham
Jurassic Island
Holy Cross School, Mrs. Halvorsen, 4th Grade
Finn Rose G. from Cape Elizabeth
Cape Elizabeth Middle, Mr. Giampetruzzi, 6th Grade
Judges 2nd Choice for 6th Grade
Evelyn G. from South Berwick
Marshwood Great Works School, Mr. Winchester, 5th Grade
Pierce G. from South Berwick
Fishical Island
Marshwood Great Works School, Ms. Humiston, 4th Grade
Robert G. from Standish
Dragon Island Chain
George E. Jack, Mrs. Evans, 5th Grade
Cruz G. from Old Orchard Beach
Wu Hu Island
Loranger Memorial School, Ms. Clark, 5th Grade
Mia H. from Brunswick
Saints Springs
Brunswick Jr. High, Mrs. Lord, 6th Grade
Madison H. from Scarborough
Holy Cross School, Mrs. Halvorsen, 4th Grade
Cooper H. from Scarborough
Camp Half-Blood
Holy Cross School, Mrs. Halvorsen, 4th Grade
Aidan H. from Old Orchard Beach
The Dragon Islands
Loranger Memorial School, Ms. Clark, 5th Grade
Sierra H. from Old Orchard Beach
Dessert Island
Loranger Memorial School, Mrs. Seaver, 6th Grade
Anastasia H. from Scarborough
Animals of Maine
Scarborough Public Library, Homeschool, 5th Grade
William H. from Scarborough
The Land Down Under
Scarborough Public Library, Homeschool, 6th Grade
Elliot H. from Cape Elizabeth
Map of Maine
Pond Cove Elementary, Mrs. Ham, 4th Grade
Nolan H. from Gorham
The Flip Side
Narragansett Elementary, Mr. Douglass, 4th Grade
Evangeline J. from Portland
Ashford Castle, Ireland
Homeschooled, Portland Public Library, 4th Grade
Judges 3rd Choice for 4th Grade
Adrian J. from Portland
Greenings Island, Maine
Homeschooled, Portland Public Library, 4th Grade
Mia J. from Gorham
The Islands of Basketball Legends
Narragansett Elementary, Ms. Grady, 4th Grade
Nino J. from South Portland
Dessert Island
Holy Cross School, Mrs. Halvorsen, 6th Grade
Bennett K. from Cape Elizabeth
Maine: The Way Life Should Be
Pond Cove Elementary, Mr. Giampetruzzi, 4th Grade
Nick K. from Old Orchard Beach
The Magic Map
Loranger Memorial School, Ms. Clark, 5th Grade
Lilli K. from Scarborough
Origins of Historic American Women
Wentworth School, Ms. Ash-Cuthbert, 5th Grade
Judges 2nd Choice for 5th Grade
Lillian K. from Gorham
The Pokemap
Narragansett Elementary, Mr. Douglass, 4th Grade
Tommy K. from Old Town
Tommy Terrace
Leonard Middle School, Mrs. Henry, 6th Grade
Anna K. from Brunswick
Canine Country
Brunswick Jr. High, Mr. Levy, 6th Grade
Serenity K. from New Gloucester
Fiddlehead School of Arts and Sciences, Mr. Erde, 5th Grade
Marguerite K. from Portland
Maine Coast Waldorf School, Ms. McQueen, 4th Grade
Mackenzie L. from Poland
Peak’s Island
Fiddlehead School of Arts and Sciences, Mr. Erde, 5th Grade
Savannah L. from Chebeague Island
Littlefield Woods
Chebeague Island School, Ms. Loder, 5th Grade
Chase L. from South Portland
Chissan Chassins Island
Holy Cross School, Mrs. Halvorsen, 5th Grade
Avery L. from Brunswick
Animal land
Brunswick Jr. High, Mr. Levy, 6th Grade
Sophie L. from South Portland
Cat Island
Holy Cross School, Mrs. Halvorsen, 6th Grade
Michael L. from Eliot
Range Map for the Baltimore Oriole
York Library, Homeschool, 5th Grade
Otis M. from Freeport
Mango Town
Maine Coast Waldorf School, Ms. McQueen, 4th Grade
Sophia M. from Gorham
The West Indies and Caribbean
Narragansett Elementary, Ms. Grady, 4th Grade
Rebeca M. from Old Orchard Beach
Motus Island
Loranger Memorial School, Mrs. Seaver, 6th Grade
Elizabeth M. from South Portland
Path Through the Forest
Maine Coast Waldorf School, Ms. McQueen, 4th Grade
Ronan M. from Freeport
[dragon map]
Maine Coast Waldorf School, Ms. McQueen, 4th Grade
Kaylee M. from Old Town
Wonder World
Leonard Middle School, M. Pratt, 6th Grade
Emelia M. from Old Orchard Beach
Loranger Memorial School, Ms. Clark, 5th Grade
Avisha M. from Saco
Saco Middle School, Mr. Edgar, 6th Grade
Elise M. from Scarborough
World of Color
Holy Cross School, Mrs. Halvorsen, 4th Grade
Rowan M. from Old Orchard Beach
The State of Maine
Loranger Memorial School, Mrs. Seaver, 6th Grade
Keegan M. from South Portland
Explorer Isle
Holy Cross School, Mrs. Halvorsen, 6th Grade
Lilah M. from Old Orchard Beach
Mount Dessert Island
Loranger Memorial School, Ms. Clark, 5th Grade
Gemma M. from Brunswick
Gem Forest
Maine Coast Waldorf School, Ms. McQueen, 4th Grade
Turner M. from Eliot
The Central Island
Homeschooled, William Fogg Library, 4th Grade
Alyssa M. from Cape Elizabeth
Mt. Snowcap
Holy Cross School, Mrs. Halvorsen, 5th Grade
Evan M. from South Portland
My Thoughts
Holy Cross School, Mrs. Halvorsen, 4th Grade
Lance M. from South Portland
Cool Island
Holy Cross School, Mrs. Halvorsen, 4th Grade
Elieza M. from Brunswick
[map of Maine]
Brunswick Jr. High, Ms. Belanger, 6th Grade
Adrian N. from Freeport
The Islands Together
Maine Coast Waldorf School, Ms. McQueen, 4th Grade
Declan N. from South Portland
Death Star
Holy Cross School, Mrs. Halvorsen, 5th Grade
Kiana N. from Freeport
The World Within a Turtle
Maine Coast Waldorf School, Ms. McQueen, 4th Grade
Jovanna N. from South Portland
Through My Eyes of Heaven
Holy Cross School, Mrs. Halvorsen, 6th Grade
Joy N. from South Portland
Holy Cross School, Mrs. Halvorsen, 4th Grade
Liam N. from South Portland
Holy Cross School, Mrs. Halvorsen, 4th Grade
Chase N. from Old Orchard Beach
Camp Half Blood
Loranger Memorial School, Ms. Clark, 5th Grade
Marlee O. from Old Town
Marlee Paradise
Leonard Middle School, Mrs. Henry, 6th Grade
Lilah O. from Yarmouth
The World Tree
Harrison Middle School, Ms. Greely, 5th Grade
Cadence O. from Old Orchard Beach
Bahama Beach
Loranger Memorial School, Ms. Clark, 5th Grade
Sabrina O. from Brunswick
Carla’s Cove Treasure Map
Brunswick Jr. High, Mr. Levy, 6th Grade
Grant P. from South Berwick
Sundew’s Island
Marshwood Great Works School, Mrs. Girouard, 5th Grade
Judges 3rd Choice for 5th Grade
Aaliyah P. from Hollis
Lost Treasure of Fordados
Holy Cross School, Mrs. Halvorsen, 5th Grade
Aubriana P. from Limerick
The Famous Foods of Maineland
Line Elementary, Mrs. Fossett, 4th Grade
3rd Place
Ariana P. from Portland
Lava Lampia
Holy Cross School, Mrs. Halvorsen, 6th Grade
Zachary P. from South Portland
Star Wars Death Star
Holy Cross School, Mrs. Halvorsen, 6th Grade
Princessia P. from Springvale
Holy Cross School, Mrs. Halvorsen, 5th Grade
Top Twelve
Nathaniel P. from Windham
Maine Ski Mountains
Manchester School, Ms. Ocean, 5th Grade
Jaxson P. from Freeport
Dinosaur Island
Maine Coast Waldorf School, Ms. McQueen, 4th Grade
Vivienne P. from Old Orchard Beach
Loranger Memorial School, Ms. Clark, 5th Grade
Hollis Q. from South Berwick
Doggone Zombie Dog Island
Marshwood Great Works School, Mrs. Girouard, 5th Grade
Sadie R. from Cape Elizabeth
Mt. Abram
Pond Cove Elementary, Mrs. Ham, 4th Grade
Judges 2nd Choice for 4th Grade
Matthew R. from Cape Elizabeth
The 16 Counties of ME
Holy Cross School, Mrs. Halvorsen, 4th Grade
Crowley R. from Cape Elizabeth
Spacing Out
Holy Cross School, Mrs. Halvorsen, 6th Grade
Top Twelve
Sophie R. from Cape Elizabeth
Vikshon Islands
Pond Cove Elementary, Ms. Bucci, 4th Grade
Ava S. from Gorham
Narragansett Elementary, Ms. Grady, 4th Grade
Miles S. from Yarmouth
Grogloo Island
Harrison Middle School, Ms. Found, 5th Grade
Lyle S. from Brunswick
Surf Island
Brunswick Jr. High, Mr. Levy, 6th Grade
Vivian S. from Brunswick
Dragon Island
Brunswick Jr. High, Mr. Kozak, 6th Grade
Owen S. from Gorham
The Island Nation of Xaks
Fiddlehead School of Arts and Sciences, Ms. Loupe, 6th Grade
Judges 3rd Choice for 6th Grade
Simon S. from Brunswick
Tako Island
Brunswick Jr. High, Mr. Levy, 6th Grade
Henry S. from South Portland
Chicken Nugget Land
Holy Cross School, Mrs. Halvorsen, 4th Grade
Wren S. from Brunswick
United States
Brunswick Jr. High, Mr. Kosak, 6th Grade
Ian S. from Scarborough
Death Valley
Holy Cross School, Mrs. Halvorsen, 5th Grade
Elizabeth S. from Steep Falls
Fairytale World
George E. Jack Schoo, Ms. Evans, 5th Grade
Sophie T. from South Berwick
Map of Thoughts
Marshwood Great Works School, Ms. Allis, 4th Grade
Maxwell T. from South Portland
The Kingdom of the Crown
Holy Cross School, Mrs. Halvorsen, 5th Grade
Caelea T. from Poland
Elm Street School, Ms. Young, 6th Grade
James V. from Old Orchard Beach
Star Wars Mandalorian’s Adventure Across the Galaxy
Holy Cross School, Mrs. Halvorsen, 6th Grade
Luke W. from Brunswick
Island Maine: A Habitat for All
Brunswick Jr. High, Mr. Kosak, 6th Grade
Emily W. from Gorham
Illumination Island
Narragansett Elementary, Mr. Douglass, 4th Grade
Francesca W. from Cape Elizabeth
The Wizarding World
Holy Cross School, Mrs. Halvorsen, 5th Grade
Sophie W. from Gray
Claw Island
Fiddlehead School of Arts and Sciences, Mr. Erde, 6th Grade
Axel W. from Freeport
The Mountains of Moonlight
Maine Coast Waldorf School, Ms. McQueen, 4th Grade
Max Z. from Yarmouth
Harrison Middle School, Mrs. Found, 5th Grade
Alder Z. from Durham
Mt. Monroe Ski Area
Maine Coast Waldorf School, Ms. McQueen, 4th Grade
Jameson Z. from Kennebunkport
Blue Bird Islands
Maine Coast Waldorf School, Ms. McQueen, 4th Grade