Group Size: 40 to 80 students (max of 40 students at each site)
Grades: 3 – 8
Price: $3 per student
Total Length: 2.5 hours (60 – 75 minutes at each site)
Available: April – October
Part One: Tour of the Portland Observatory and Eastern Cemetery
The tour of the Portland Observatory (1807) focuses on maritime history, the purpose and importance of the structure, and changes in Portland over the last two centuries. The walking tour of Eastern Cemetery, Portland’s oldest burying ground, teaches your class about Portland’s earliest settlers and points out the markers of some of Portland’s most famous citizens.
Part Two: Resurgam: The Endurance of Portland, Maine
Visit the Osher Map Library and investigate the destructions, resurrections, and transformations of Maine’s largest city in maps of Portland from the Revolutionary War to the beginning of the twentieth century.
To schedule, please email Renee Keul at rkeul@usm.maine.edu or fill out a visit request form.