Grade Levels: 6-12
Time Allotment: 75 to 90 minutes
Maine Social Studies Standards: C1, C2, D1, D2, E1
This lesson includes a discussion of the rival powers competing for land in present-day New England and some consequences of that competition. Using a French, British, Dutch, and American maps, this lesson asks the following questions:
The presentation is followed by a short worksheet on King Philip's War and a board game using an early map of New England to illustrate historically important natural resources.
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This folder contains images of all items used in this lesson. To view the available items in zoomify, click on the links below:
This folder contains a powerpoint (.ppt) file of the completed presentation, as well as a suggested script in both .pdf and .doc formats.
Trouble Downloading? Click on the thumbnails below to try downloading each file individually:
This folder contains a .pdf file of the activity accompanying this lesson and any necessary documents and answer keys.
Trouble Downloading? Click on the thumbnails below to try downloading each file individually:
King Philip's War Activity 9-12
Drake, James. King Philip's War: Civil War in New England. 1999.
Kurlansky, Mark. Cod: Biography of the Fish that Changed the World. 2011.
Morganelli, Adrianna. Samuel de Champlain: From New France to Cape Cod. 2006.