VI. Manifest Destiny and the Popular Mapping of Wars

The several wars fought by the United States during the mid- and late-nineteenth century attracted a great deal of popular cartographic attention. Much of the popular mapping associated with wars focused on the sites of conflict, as with the examples exhibited here from the Mexican-American War (1846-1848) and the Spanish-American War (1898-1899). J. G. Bruff’s 1847 broadside of the central theater of war in Mexico publicized U.S. victories there, after the fact [item 30]. The two maps from 1898 were more anticipatory: their goal was to encourage the readers of two Boston newspapers to follow the events of the war, and so increase their circulation (both featured flags or symbols which could be cut out and moved across the map) [items 33-34]. All of these maps inevitably emphasized the expansive nature of the Republic. During the Civil War (1861-1865), the overriding concern of the Northern states was for the preservation of the Union, as exemplified by the two maps from that war exhibited here. The attempt by Southern states to preserve their autonomy and their rights was cartographically rejected by these maps of the Union [items 31-32].

A Correct Map of the Seat of War in Mexico


Joseph Goldsborough Bruff (American, fl. 1839-1863)
A Correct Map of the Seat of War in Mexico
Lithograph, 62cm x 47.5cm
New York: J. Disturnell, 1847
Smith Collection

The United States in Black and White


The United States in Black and White.
The Geographical Position of the Loyal and Rebel States—The Rebel States are in Black
Letterpress with wood engraved map, 14.0cm x 23.5cm
In: The New York Herald (17 December 1861): 1
Osher Collection

How the War Commenced, and how Near it is Ended


How the War Commenced, and how Near it is Ended.
Letterpress broadside with wood engraved map, 12.5cm x 29.5cm (map)
New York: National Union Executive Committee, [1864]
Osher Collection

The Boston Globe’s Map of the Atlantic Coast and Scenes of the Naval ManÉuvres


For the Globe’s Naval Map. / The Boston Globe’s Map of the Atlantic Coast and Scenes of the Naval ManÉuvres
Letterpress, 51.0cm x 39.5cm (map)
From: The Boston Globe (4 April 1898): 4-5
Osher Collection

War Maps of Cuba Porto Rico and the Philippines


War Maps of Cuba Porto Rico and the Philippines
Colored lithograph, 24.0cm x 71.0cm
Supplement to The Sunday Boston Herald
(8 May 1898)
On loan from a private collection