Imago Mundi Ltd.

An open source for contact information, current interests, research projects, and publications related to map history. The Directory seeks, first, to promote communication among the broad and diverse array of all researchers who study the history of maps in all its aspects and, second, to provide information about the field to the broader public.

Search and Browse the Directory

Please use the links in the left?hand column to search the Directory or to browse by contributor name, contributor country, or by keywords.

Contribute to the Directory

Please use the links in the left?hand column to register as a contributor. Once registered, you may login to the Directory, allowing you to create and edit your personal profile, your research profile, and your list of publications.

All map historians are urged to make the following information available to their colleagues and the public:

  • personal profile: contact details plus any general information relating to map history;
  • research profile: descriptions of broad interests in map history, specific research projects, and other relevant activities;
  • publications relating to map history.

Contributors should note:

  • Contributors organize their information within these broad categories in whatever manner they feel most appropriate;
  • contributions can be in any language;
  • the more comprehensive this Directory is, the better it will be for other Contributors and anyone interested in map history;
  • information about the Directory, its creators, and its editorial policies are available through the links in the left?hand column.

Please do not forget to logout once you have finished editing your profile.

For current and comprehensive information about the initiatives, activities, events and resources that make up the history of cartography see the online Map History Gateway.