Collection: Smith Collection
Name: Septentrionaliora Americae Groenlandia, per Freta Davidis et Hudson at Terram Novam
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From Atlas:
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Notes: From: "Atlas de la Navigation". Included in de Wit's 1675 atlas. Louis Renard published Atlas de la Navigation in 1715 using de Wit plates. In 1739 R. & J. Ottens published two atlases, one with Renard's name and the other with their own. In 1745 Ottens reset a new title page without Renard's name and included this map.
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Dimensions: H 54.3 x W 63.8 cm
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Historical Context: This beautiful chart of Hudson Bay, Baffin Bay, Button Bay, Davis Straits, and contiguous parts of the coastline of Canada and Greenland appeared in Louis Renard's Atlas de la Navigation, one of the most striking products of Dutch maritime cartography. The atlas was updated in 1739 and 1745, and this concern with accuracy leads many historians to believe that the atlas was intended not only for consultation on shore, but also for use at sea.
LC Call Number: G3300 .W5 1739
OCLC: 173665784
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