Collection: Smith Collection
Name: Sphaera Stellifera Accurate exhibens dispositionem stellar fixar ex certissima D. Tych. Brahae observationib ad annum 1606 accomodatarum et australib stellis nastra instructione a Frederico Houtmano observatis insinita auct. Giul. Ianssonio
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Notes: Notes State 1: according to Peter van der Krogt's "Globi Neerlandici," this is state 1 of the globe. The second state of this globe was produced after ca. 1621. This is known because after 1621, Janssonius adopted the name Blaeu to differentiate himself from Johannes Janssonius. Since this globe reads "Janssonius," not Blaeu, we know that it cannot be the second state.
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Physical Description: 14 cm. with a full, metal meridian
Accession Number: SM-1606-2
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