Collection: Osher Collection
Name: Aevi Veteris, Typvs Geographicvs
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From Atlas:
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Notes: From the 1590 "Theatrum Orbis Terrarum," Latin edition. Includes 4 insets of continents: Europe, America, Africa and Asia. Verso: Text in Latin.
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Dimensions: Map: H 31 x W 44 cm on sheet: H 43 x W 54 cm
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Historical Context: In this decorative map, Ortelius divides the Ancient World into five climatic zones. Although its place names are taken from the ancient times of Ptolemy, this map presents the landmasses in relatively contemporary configurations and illustrates the Portuguese discoveries in South and East Asia and Richard Hakluyt?s discoveries in the North. A richly ornate border incorporating four small insets, representations of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, constituting the modern world, frames the map.
LC Call Number: G3200 1590 .O7
OCLC: 819751810
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