Collection: Osher Collection
Name: [York, Cumberland and Lincoln Counties of colonial Massachusetts extending from Portsmouth to Penobscot River.]
Image Number:
Notes: Sheet 2 (upper-right) of a disassembled 4-sheet mapTitle supplied by cataloger.Handwritten dedication: "To His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esqr., Capt. Genl. and Gouvernour in Chief in and over His Majesty's province of Massachusetts Bay in New England, Sir please favourably to accept this map of the countys of York, Cumberland & Lincoln taken from the best authorities by Your Excellenceys most obedt. and very humble servt. John Small. Scarborough, April 30, 1761."
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Dimensions: 4 sheets 38 x 50 cm each; total 76 x 98 cm
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OCLC: 890813302
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