Rain chart of the United States showing the distribution by isohyetal lines of the mean precipitation in rain and melted snow for the year constructed under the direction of Prof. Joseph Henry sec'y Smithsonian Institution from materials collected and observations made for the Smithsonian Institution by Chas. A. Schott Asst. u.S. Coast Survey with additions to 1872

↑ Parent: Statistical Atlas of the United States based on the results of the ninth census 1870 : with contributions from many eminent men of science and several departments of the government comp. under the authority of Congress by Francis A. Walker .

Collection: Osher Collection

Name: Rain chart of the United States showing the distribution by isohyetal lines of the mean precipitation in rain and melted snow for the year constructed under the direction of Prof. Joseph Henry sec'y Smithsonian Institution from materials collected and observations made for the Smithsonian Institution by Chas. A. Schott Asst. u.S. Coast Survey with additions to 1872


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