"Jerry's Map" is an incredible project by Jerry Gretzinger, who has been making a map of his own world for some thirty years [video]. He has just announced that the map will be installed at the Brattleboro Museum and Art Center, Brattleboro...
"Standing navigation on the end of a needle" is an installation by Cynthia Davis at the Coleman Burke Gallery, in the Fort Andros complex (right beside Frontier cafe), Brunswick, Maine, until 16 March 2013. As the gallery's brief write-up explains, ...
The large wall on the side of the Osher Map Library bears an etched Dymaxion Map, designed by Buckminister "Bucky" Fuller. Fuller created his wonderful projection from interlocking triangles and squares that (1) can be arranged in complex patterns so...
[expand title="EXHIBIT NAVIGATION"] Life, Liberty and the Representation of Space Informing the Public: The English Audience Informing the Public: France and Germany A Firsthand Account Mapping the Peace The Revolution in Maine [/expand] An...