The following is a list of all the guest classes for USM courses to be taught at OML by Prof. Edney in the Spring 2013 semester:
American & New England Studies 650 - Practices of Everyday Life - the historical evidence provided by fire insurance plans.
Community & Planning Development 664 - Principles of Design - the history of the New England town as a basis for town planning.
History 182 - Modern Latin America - maps and the spatial history of Latin America since 1800.
History 200 - Reading, Reference, and Writing - introduction to the use of early maps as sources of evidence for historians.
History 360 - History of Maine - early explorations and mapping of "Norumbega" and the region that became Maine.
Honors 255 - Maine Islands - the charts and topographical maps of Casco Bay islands as sources of historical evidence.
Sociology 365/Women and Gender Studies 335 - Sociology of the Body - topography and the intersecting representation of landscapes and bodies.
Tourism and Hospitality 261 - Introduction to Cultural Tourism - the use of maps in the promotion of places and cultural tourism.
Tourism and Hospitality 211 - Tourism Product Development - the importance of maps in the history of tourism.
Faculty may request a guest class by using the form, accessible from the main menu at Education | Request a Guest Class.