Introduction to Maps and Mapmaking

Introduction to Maps and Mapmaking

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Grade Levels: K-2

Time Allotment: 35 to 45 minutes

Maine Social Studies Standards: D1

This lesson uses both old and new maps to illustrate the different ways people can use and make maps. After a short presentation, students will complete Tino's Map Book, in which they will make their own maps of familiar areas.

Click on the links below to download resources:

DownloadItem Files

This folder contains images of all items used in this lesson. To view the available items in zoomify, click on the links below:

 1092 Image  12974 Image

DownloadPresentation Files

This folder contains a powerpoint (.ppt) file of the completed presentation, as well as a suggested script in both .pdf and .doc formats.

Trouble Downloading?  Click on the thumbnails below to try downloading each file individually:

PPT Presentation

PDF Suggested Script w/ Images

DOC Editable Script

DownloadActivity Files

This folder contains a .pdf file of the activity accompanying this lesson and any necessary documents and answer keys.

Trouble Downloading?  Click on the thumbnails below to try downloading each file individually:

PDF Activity

Additional Supplies

Recommended Book: Sara Fanelli, My Map Book, (London: All Books for Children), 1995.

Suggested Reading

Sobel, David. Mapmaking with Children. 1998.

Explore Other Lessons

Intro to Maps  Travel and Transportation  Maps of Portland  Travel and Tourism  Medieval Maps  Maine State History

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