Olsen and Clark’s The Colour of an Old City, which received favorable press coverage in Boston, inspired other graphic artists in the area to design their own pictorial maps. Elizabeth Shurtleff had received art training in Boston, while Helen F. McMillan was an alumna of Wellesley College and lived in Boston. Both women had connections to New Hampshire. Their pictorial map is notable for the swirls of ribbon on the left and right margins, and the many humorous scenes taking place across the state. Shurtleff later designed pictorial maps of the Isles of Shoals, Massachusetts, and Bermuda.
5. Elizabeth Shurtleff and Helen F. McMillan, Map of the State of New Hampshire (1926).
Stephen J. Hornsby Collection
URL: www.oshermaps.org/map/4000158
With its decorative border evoking nineteenth-century wood cuts, Waugh’s pictorial map captures the seafaring history of Boston’s North Shore. Waugh prided himself on his nautical knowledge. Advertising copy marketed the map as “charming simply as a bit of lovely decoration to be placed in distinguished surroundings.” Waugh’s maps of Cape Ann and Cape Cod were hand colored, giving rise to noticeable variations between copies.
6. Coulton Waugh, Cape Ann and the North Shore: A Map Displaying the Hardy Maritime Development of These Historic Parts (1927).
Stephen J. Hornsby Collection
URL: www.oshermaps.org/map/4000159
Hungarian immigrant Ilonka Karasz settled in Greenwich Village in New York City in the 1910s. She quickly became one of the country’s leading decorative designers, best known for her many covers for the New Yorker magazine. Her map of Paris reflected New York City’s close cultural connections with the “City of Light.” The map was published the same year as Charles Lindbergh’s solo flight to Paris. Her map is one of the most strikingly colored American pictorial maps.
7. Ilonka Karasz, Plan De Paris (1927).
Stephen J. Hornsby Collection
URL: www.oshermaps.org/map/4000160
Created and designed by Crow and drawn by Kovalsky, Map of Shanghai displays the city just before the Japanese invasion in 1937. Since the Treaty of Nanking in 1842, Shanghai had been the most prominent Treaty Port in China, with concessions given to France, Great Britain, and the United States. As the map shows, part of Shanghai was designated the “Chinese City.” American Carl Crow had lived in the city since 1911, working as a journalist, newspaper proprietor, and business man. His pictorial design captures the extraordinary mix of Chinese and Western cultures that characterized Shanghai in the early twentieth century. Among many delightful vignettes is the dancing couple on the Roof Garden of the Plaza Hotel.
8. Carl Crow and V. V. Kovalsky, Illustrated Historical Map of Shanghai (1935).
Stephen J. Hornsby Collection
URL: www.oshermaps.org/map/4000187
Baltekal-Goodman, an artist, and Neuhaus, an art professor at the University of California Berkeley, designed one of the most dramatic and boldly colored pictorial maps of the 1930s. The map is full of art deco motifs, including chevron waves, electric-sparking winds, and leaping deer. The map was published by the Sather Gate Book Shop, a Berkeley institution.
9. Michael Baltekal-Goodman and Eugene Neuhaus, A Map of Berkeley, Oakland & Alameda (ca. 1930s).
Stephen J. Hornsby Collection
URL: www.oshermaps.org/map/4000161