22. Georg C. Eimmart, 1705
Loca Stellarum
Smith Collection: SM- 1705-10
This globe is titled Loca Stellarum (#22). It is a celestial globe made in 1705 by Georg C. Eimmart. Eimmart was a famous German astronomer whose contributions to astronomy were so significant that a crater on the moon is named after him.
This item is one of our rarest globes, as it is 1 of only 7 catalogued copies mounted on a sphere and accompanied by its stand. The dots that you see on the globe represent the stars in their different magnitudes, or luminosities.
Eimmart’s celestial globe emphasizes the placement and size of the stars, instead of the constellation figures.
Georg Christoph Eimmart was a prominent German astronomer, artist and mathematician in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. He is better known for the private observatory he erected outside of Nuremberg, complete with his own cutting-edge astronomical instruments. Although he produced a large number of globe gores, many of which were used by later globe makers, he only produced a few globes in 1705, the year he died. He was much more concerned with the accuracy of his gores, and which “latest authorities” could be trusted. Thus, this globe is a rare gem in the collection’s crown