Colonial settlement after 1600 progressively replaced the supposedly indigenous district of Norumbega with the European imposition of new regions: New France, New England, and the New Netherlands. First along the coast, and then along the major river...
European charts of the North American coasts were initially produced in very small numbers. They were drawn by hand, one at a time. This reflected the small market for such charts. Not only were there few ships sailing the Atlantic, but charts usuall...
The French Crown paid little attention to the St. Lawrence and northeast North America after the failure of Jacques Cartier's settlement at Kébec/Québec (1535-41). The fishermen and fur trappers continued on their annual migrations to the St. Lawre...
There was much debate in Europe during the sixteenth century as geographers tried to incorporate the Americas within their existing world-view. Were they the islands off eastern Asia as Christopher Columbus had presumed (1) ? Or did they constitute a...
Introducing GIS into Classroom Curriculum with Brandi LeRoy Thursday, August 18, 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM Open to Middle School and High School teachers, Brandi LeRoy will lead this day-long session for educators looking to integrate GIS into their curric...
Educators Graphic Novel Discussions: Sapiens, A Graphic History by Yuval Noah Harari Open to teachers of Grades 5 - 12 in Maine, these evening book discussions will feature the graphic novel, Sapiens, A Graphic History by Yuval Noah Harari. This s...
Advanced Education Materials These lesson plans were designed by Liz Swasey, a teacher with years of experience teaching High School. They are suitable for high schoolers in advanced history courses. An Introduction to Maps as Primary Source Doc...
Section 11. Acknowledgments [expand title="VIEW OTHER SECTIONS"] North of Nowhere, West of the Moon: Myth, Fiction, and Fantasy in Maps 1. Introduction 2. Mapping Literature and Authors 3. Fairy Tales, Theme Parks, and Imagined Worlds 4. Middl...
North of Nowhere, West of the Moon: Myth, Fiction, and Fantasy in Maps was conceived in late-2021 as a "pop up" exhibition (a quickly organized and timely show) to showcase a long sought after new acquisition, Bernard Sleigh’s 1918 "An Anciente M...
Are you a classroom teacher within the Greater Portland area? We are happy to lend high-quality printed reproductions of this map set at no cost as part of an Activity Kit for use in your classroom. The kit will also include a variety of age-ap...