A Plan of Kennebek & Sagadahok River, with the adjacent Coasts: taken from Actual Surveys, and dedicated to his Excely. William Shirley Esqr. Governor of Massachusets Bay Prov: in New England. By Thos: Johnston 1754. To which is added a draught of the River La Chaudiere by French Deserter the same year

↑ Parent: State of the British and French Colonies in North America, With Respect to Number of People, Forces, Forts, Indians, Trade and other Advantages...

Collection: Osher Collection

Name: A Plan of Kennebek & Sagadahok River, with the adjacent Coasts: taken from Actual Surveys, and dedicated to his Excely. William Shirley Esqr. Governor of Massachusets Bay Prov: in New England. By Thos: Johnston 1754. To which is added a draught of the River La Chaudiere by French Deserter the same year


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