Collection: Osher Collection
Name: In laudem Serenissi mi Ferdinandi Hispania regis Bethicae & regni Granatae obsidio victoria & tríumphus Et de insulis in marí Indíco nuper inuentis
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Alternative Title: The Columbus Letter
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Dimensions: 47 x 32 cm.
Historical Context: From Library of Congress catalog record: "This book is a compilation of two texts, both relating to events in the momentous year of 1492. The first is a drama in Latin by an Italian author, Carlo Verardi (Carolus Verardus), written in a combination of verse and prose, which recounts the military campaign during the reign of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella to capture Granada, the last Moorish territory on the Iberian Peninsula. The annexation of Granada marked the end of eight centuries of Muslim rule in Spain and Portugal and concluded the long struggle known in Spain as the Reconquista. The second text is Leandro di Cosco's Latin translation of the letter by Christopher Columbus to Raphael Sánchez, in which Columbus recounted his voyage to America in 1492-93. Printed in Basel in 1494, it is one of six versions of the Columbus letter that were published in 1493-94, and the only one to include woodcut illustrations."
LC Call Number: PA8585.V36 C6 1494
Accession Number: OS-1495-1