Atlas Nouveau, Contenant toutes les Parties du Monde... Presente a Monseigeur le Dauphin. Par son tres-humble, tres-obeissant, et tres-fidele serviteur, Hubert Jaillot, Geographe du Roy.

Collection: Osher Collection

Page Name: Atlas Nouveau, Contenant toutes les Parties du Monde... Presente a Monseigeur le Dauphin. Par son tres-humble, tres-obeissant, et tres-fidele serviteur, Hubert Jaillot, Geographe du Roy.

Name: Atlas Nouveau, Contenant toutes les Parties du Monde... Presente a Monseigeur le Dauphin. Par son tres-humble, tres-obeissant, et tres-fidele serviteur, Hubert Jaillot, Geographe du Roy.


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Dimensions: 20 cm. x 13 cm.

Physical Description: Jaillot was in partnership with Nicolas Sanson's sons Guillaume and Adrien who collaborated in producing the Atlas Noveau begun around 1673 and finally published in 1681. Much of Jaillot's output was based on Nicolas Sanson's maps. The atlas had 6 editions which after Jaillot's death were re-published and amended by his son, grandson and granddaughters and later by Jean-Claude Dezauche. Pieter Mortier distributed then published Sanson/Jaillot maps and a 1698 edition of the Atlas Noveau.

LC Call Number: G1015 .J3 S3 1728

OCLC: 933232592

Accession Number: OS-1728-1
