Western Harbours & c.

Collection: Hamilton-Thayer Collection

Name: Western Harbours & c.

Barcode: 54183


Publishing Location:

Date/Date Range Published: 1849


Region Depicted:

Map Type:

Dimensions: 95 x 62 cm

Brief Description: 10 maps on one sheet featuring navigational maps of harbors and islands in Ireland and Great Britain: Bear Haven, Cork Harbour, Youghal (Cork, Ireland), Isles of Scilly (England), Waterford Harbour, Padstown Bay, Falmouth and St. Ives's to Land's End. Survey of Bear Haven and Cork Harbour by Captain James Wolfe, R.N., Wateford by Captain G.A. Frazer, R.N. Padstown by Captain W.L. Sheringham, R.N.

LC Call Number: VK 457 1849.L3

OCLC: 1157287647

Accession Number: HT-1849-37
