Engass Sheet Map Collection

139 results

A New Map of Present Spain & Portugal. Shewing their Principal Divisions, Chief Cities, Townes, Ports, Rivers, Mountains &c. Dedicated to His Highness William Duke of Gloucester
Date/Date Range Produced: 1700 - 1738
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Dimensions: 37 x 50 cm
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LC Call Number: G6560 .W4 1700
OCLC: 71275793
Accession Number: ENG-1700-16
A New Map of Present Spain & Portugal. Shewing their Principal Divisions, Chief Cities, Townes, Ports, Rivers, Mountains &c. Dedicated to His Highness William Duke of Gloucester

Weg-Wyzer der Legertogten in Spanje en Portugaal, door Abraham Allard te Amsterdam op den Dam : Theatrum Martis in Hispania, et Portugallia, Auctore Abrahamo Allard Amstelo-Batavo, cum priviligio
Date/Date Range Produced: 1700
Region Depicted:
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Dimensions: 50 x 59 cm
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Historical Context: Although the Spanish Empire declined somewhat in political importance during the seventeenth century, it remained a powerful entity whose territories continued to provide important trading destinations. Many people throughout Europe, especially merchants and politicians, needed basic information about the location and extent of the empire's various territories. Dutch commercial cartographers provided this information in a variety of forms. Abraham Allard, for example, listed the Spanish and Portuguese possessions in a large block of text; he also named the ancient peoples (e.g., the Turditani of Badajoz) of the seventeen regions from which Spain and Portugal were formed.
LC Call Number: G6560 .A4 1700
OCLC: 71276537
Accession Number: ENG-1700-17
Weg-Wyzer der Legertogten in Spanje en Portugaal, door Abraham Allard te Amsterdam op den Dam : Theatrum Martis in Hispania, et Portugallia, Auctore Abrahamo Allard Amstelo-Batavo, cum priviligio

Cadis, son Port, sa Rade et ses environs
Date/Date Range Produced: 1702
Region Depicted:
Dimensions: 24 x 34 cm
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LC Call Number: G6564.C2 F4 1702
OCLC: 71275955
Accession Number: ENG-1702-6
Cadis, son Port, sa Rade et ses environs

Accuratissima Totius Regni Hispaniae Tabula per Iustinum Danckerts
Date/Date Range Produced: 1703
Region Depicted:
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Dimensions: 49 x 85 cm
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Historical Context: Illustrated panel depicting Charles VI of Austria and his army in preparation for the invasion of Spain during the War of the Spanish Succession, also known as Queen Anne's War in North America, 1701-1714.
LC Call Number: G6560 .D3 1703
OCLC: 71275744
Accession Number: ENG-1703-9
See Also:
Accuratissima Totius Regni Hispaniae Tabula per Iustinum Danckerts

Compendiosa Hispaniae Repraesentatio Die Konigreich Spanien u Portugall mit Ihren Provincien
Date/Date Range Produced: 1704
Dimensions: H 19.5 X W 32 cm
Printing Process:
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LC Call Number: G6560 .B6 1704
OCLC: 71275983
Accession Number: ENG-1704-1
Compendiosa Hispaniae Repraesentatio Die Konigreich Spanien u Portugall mit Ihren Provincien

Carte d'Espagne et des Principaux Etats Appartenans a Cette Monarchie dans les 4 Parties du Monde
Date/Date Range Produced: 1705
Region Depicted:
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Dimensions: 33 x 44 cm
Printing Process:
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LC Call Number: G6560 .C4 1705
OCLC: 71276611
Accession Number: ENG-1705-6
Carte d'Espagne et des Principaux Etats Appartenans a Cette Monarchie dans les 4 Parties du Monde