Osher Sheet Map Collection

2,393 results

Dithmarsia, Rendesburgum, Kiel et Bordesholm, in Occidentali parte Holsatiae
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Dimensions: H 44 x W 53.4 cm
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Historical Context: The map shows the western side of the duchy of Holstein which was independent as a county from 1227 and then as a duchy from 1474 even though it was part of the Holy Roman Empire. Presently it is one of the federated states in Germany.
OCLC: 841172526
Accession Number: OS-1680-4
Dithmarsia, Rendesburgum, Kiel et Bordesholm, in Occidentali parte Holsatiae

Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica Ac Hydorgraphica Tabula
Date/Date Range Produced: 1680
Dimensions: 40 cm. x 54 cm. on sheet 49 cm. x 62 cm.
Printing Process:
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OCLC: 874924536
Accession Number: OS-1680-5
Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica Ac Hydorgraphica Tabula

A Map of the North-Pole and the Parts Adjoning; Oxon At the Theater MDCLXXX
Date/Date Range Produced: 1680
Region Depicted:
Dimensions: 45.8 x 58.5 cm on sheet 59.7 x 68.8 cm
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OCLC: 5502001
Accession Number: OS-1680-6
A Map of the North-Pole and the Parts Adjoning; Oxon At the Theater MDCLXXX

Pas kaart Van West Indien Behelsende soo Deszelffs vaste Kusten als D' Onder behoorende Eylanden aan de Noord Oceaan door Vooght Geometra T Amsterdam by Johannes Van Keulen Boek en Zee kaart Verkoper en Graadboogh maaker aande Niewe-brugh inde Gekroonde Lootsman met privilegie Voor 25 Iaaren
Atlas Reference:
Date/Date Range Produced: 1682
Region Depicted:
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Dimensions: 51 x 58 cm. on sheet 54 x 62 cm.
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Historical Context: This is an example of a Dutch sea chart of the type actually used for navigation in American waters in the late seventeenth century. It is oriented with west at the top and it covers the region from Labrador to the mouth of the Amazon River, an area included in the "West Indies" as the term was originally used [to distinguish the New World from the East Indies]. The radiating lines represent compass courses and are called "rhumb lines" or "loxodromes." The profuse coastal detail and lack of interior information are typical of sea charts.
OCLC: 893908996
Accession Number: OS-1682-1
Pas kaart Van West Indien Behelsende soo Deszelffs vaste Kusten als D' Onder behoorende Eylanden aan de Noord Oceaan door Vooght Geometra T Amsterdam by Johannes Van Keulen Boek en Zee kaart Verkoper en Graadboogh maaker aande Niewe-brugh inde Gekroonde Lootsman met privilegie Voor 25 Iaaren

Novi Belgii Novaeque Angliae Nec Non Partis Virginiae Tabula Multis in locis emendata per Nicolaum Visscher
Date/Date Range Produced: 1683
Region Depicted:
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Dimensions: 47 X 56 cm. on sheet 53 X 61 cm.
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Historical Context: This map is a prime example of seventeenth-century Dutch cartography at its best it combines accurate and detailed geography with elegant design, engraving, embellishment, and color. The geographic view from Chesapeake Bay to Penobscot Bay is the most advanced of its time, showing virtually all known towns and settlements, the locations of each Indian tribe encountered by the settlers, and the first relatively accurate delineation of the island of Manhattan. This map served as the model for maps of the region for nearly a century, and was used in 1685 for settlement of the boundary dispute between William Penn and Lord Baltimore. Tastefully applied outline color delineates boundaries of European colonies. Decorative vignettes positioned in otherwise empty spaces portray Indian stockades, indigenous animals and birds, two compass roses, a European sailing ship, and a native canoe and dugout The most remarkable decorative element is the panoramic inset view of "Nieuw Amsterdam" as it appeared in about 1652; this is the third known engraved view of New York, with its detailed depiction of topography, dwellings, the fort, a church, a windmill, a crane, and even a gallows!
OCLC: 882102587
Accession Number: OS-1683-1
Novi Belgii Novaeque Angliae Nec Non Partis Virginiae Tabula Multis in locis emendata per Nicolaum Visscher

Amerique Septentrionale
Date/Date Range Produced: 1683
Dimensions: 16 cm. x 12 cm. on sheet 21 cm. x 14 cm.
Printing Process:
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OCLC: 427453072
Accession Number: OS-1683-2
Amerique Septentrionale

Date/Date Range Produced: 1683
Dimensions: 15 cm. x 10 cm. on sheet 21 cm. x 14 cm.
Printing Process:
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OCLC: 647913062
Accession Number: OS-1683-3

De Eilanden Van Japan
Date/Date Range Produced: 1683
Dimensions: 19 cm. x 24 cm. on sheet 27 cm. x 39 cm.
Printing Process:
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OCLC: 878560255
Accession Number: OS-1683-4
De Eilanden Van Japan