For Field Trips and Class Visits, teachers are encouraged to choose topics that fit into their current curriculum.
Because of the highly specialized nature of secondary curriculum, High School teachers are encouraged to work with OML educators to ensure that the primary sources used in the lesson fit well with the class material.
For large groups or groups with a flexible time frame, consider taking advantage of our Collaborative Programs with nearby educational institutions!
We love having classes come visit us! Field trips typically include:
*Before the day of the visit, students will complete a pre-teaching activity that gives them a familiarity with some of the ideas, images, and terminology they’ll see during their field trip. Teachers will receive the pre-teaching materials in the mail about a week before the visit.
We recommend:
To schedule a field trip, please email Renee Keul at rkeul@usm.maine.edu or fill out a visit request form.
OML’s Outreach team is also available to visit classrooms, clubs, and enrichment and after-school programs within an hour’s drive of Portland, Maine. The recommended time allotment for a class visit is 35 to 40 minutes. A classroom visit includes:
*Before the day of the visit, students will complete a pre-teaching activity that gives them a familiarity with some of the ideas, images, and terminology they’ll see during their field trip. Teachers will receive the pre-teaching materials in the mail about a week before the visit.
To schedule a class visit, please email Renee Keul at rkeul@usm.maine.edu or fill out a visit request form.