The Pine Tree State
Explore the changes in Maine from the time it was a district of Massachusetts valued largely for its lumber through its transformation into ‘Vacationland’ at the Osher Map Library.
Grade Levels: 3-12
Time Allotment: 45-50 minutes for classroom visits; 75-90 minutes for field trips
Maine Social Studies Standards:
C1: Economic Knowledge, Concepts, Themes, and Patterns
D1: Geographic Knowledge, Concepts, Themes, and Patterns
E1: Historical Knowledge, Concepts, Themes, and Patterns
Intended to be completed in the classroom before the scheduled field trip or class visit, the pre-teaching activity will give students some familiarity with the terms, ideas, and visuals, that they will see during the actual visit.
Maine History Booklet for Grades 3-5
Maine History Booklet for Grades 6-8
Answer Key 3-5
Answer Key 6-8
During this portion of the visit, students will be asked to look closely at twelve to twenty maps that fit within the curriculum theme. Each student will need to find: (1) something they recognize from previous class lessons or from the pre-teaching activity; (2) something they find interesting and want to point out to their classmates; (3) something they would like to know more about.
Examples of Items Used:
(Set of maps will likely vary from visit to visit)
OML curriculum themes have optional hands-on activities or group-games that can be done in conjunction with the Guided Inquiry exercise.
Touring Maine Game Board
Touring Maine Game Cards
To schedule, please email Renee Keul at rkeul@usm.maine.edu or fill out a visit request form.
*For large groups or groups with a flexible time frame, take a peek at our related partnership program,
Livelihoods & Landscapes of Maine with Portland Museum of Art.