“A Map of Maine” by Moses Greenleaf (1820)
Title: A Map of the State of Maine from the Latest and Best Authorities. By Moses Greenleaf Esq. 1820.
Barcode: 931
Creator: Greenleaf, Moses, 1777-1834
Printmaker: Annin, William B., 1791?-1839
Date Published: 1820
Permanent URL: https://oshermaps.org/map/931.0001
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More Information: Moses Greenleaf (1777-1834) was Maine’s pioneer mapmaker. An outspoken advocate of Maine statehood and economic development, he prepared his first map in 1815 to accompany his demonstration that Maine deserved independence: A Statistical View of the District of Maine (Boston: Cummings and Hilliard, 1816). This map was the first to depict the interior lakes and rivers of Maine with any degree of accuracy. Greenleaf’s 1820 reissue — the first map of the State of Maine — shows improvements in the delineation of several features, including Moosehead Lake.