By Document:
The Portland Pilot directions for sailing into Portland, and Harbors adjacent
Coast Chart 115 Plum Island to Stratford Shoal Long Island Sound
Directions for sailing into Portland, and adjacent harbors.
The following directions for Portland Harbor and also for several of the Harbors…
Directions for sailing into Portland Harbor
Memorandum of an agreement entered into this 30th day of May 1825 between Seward Porter, Lemuel Moody & Geo. Derring on the one part K& D.G. Johnson on the other part…
[Correspondence – 2 letters Seward Porter to Lemuel Moody]
Account of charts sold and delivered
[Correspondence between Thomas Moore and Lemuel Moody]
Longitude of Portland
Thermometrical record for February 1835 at Portland Observatory
By Location:
Harpswell Harbor
New Meadows
Portland Harbor
Small Point
Winter Harbor