Limes occidentis, Quivira et Anian. 1597.

↑ Parent: Descriptionis Ptolemaicae augmentum. siue occidentis notitia Breui commentario illustrata, et, hac se: cunda editione magna sui parte aucta Cornelio Wytfliet Louaniensi auctore. Lovanii Typis Gerardi Riuij Anno Domini. CIC, IC, XCIIX

Collection: Smith Collection

Name: Limes occidentis, Quivira et Anian. 1597.


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Notes: This map is more or less an imaginary place. Quivira was one of the Seven Cities of Gold that was supposedly somewhere in the vicinity of present-day Kansas, nowhere near the Arctic Circle that is clearly marked on this map. Anian refers to the supposed Northwest Passage, probably the Bering Strait.

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