Collection: Osher Collection
Name: Untitled map of the world
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Notes: Note at lower left: "Venetiis Ioan Francisci Camotti aereis ad signum Pyramidis Anno M D L XII"Illustrated world map using Giacomo Gastaldi's prototype world map of 1546. Text in top left corner denotes Paolo Forlani's authorship but acknowledges Gastaldi.Title supplied by cataloger.Title supplied by cataloger.Illustrated world map using Giacomo Gastaldi's prototype world map of 1546. Text in top left corner denotes Paolo Forlani's authorship but acknowledges Gastaldi.Illustrated map of the world using Giacomo Gastaldi's prototype world map of 1546
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Dimensions: H 30.5 x W 53 cm
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LC Call Number: G3200 1562 .F6
OCLC: 859159833
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