Americae Pars Borealis, Florida, Baccalaos, Canada, Corterealis. A Cornelio de Iudaeis in luce edita.

Collection: Osher Collection

Name: Americae Pars Borealis, Florida, Baccalaos, Canada, Corterealis. A Cornelio de Iudaeis in luce edita.


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From Atlas:

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Notes: From the atlas "Speculum Orbis Terrae" originally prepared by Gerard de Jode before his death in 1591. Baccalaos is present day Newfoundland. Corterealis is the name given by Portuguese explorer Gaspar Corte Real for the coast of Labrador. Dedicated to Theodoricus Echter a Messelbrum, bishop of Wurtburg.

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Dimensions: H 43.7 x W 56.8 cm

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Historical Context: De Jode's rare, seminal work is the first folio-sized atlas map to focus on North America. The map contains many remarkably early cartographic details, including a very linear representation of a double Northwest Passage running the length of the top of the map. The map is filled with annotations regarding early explorations in the New World, referencing Verazano, Cabot, Raleigh, and other explorers; an early mention of the Apaches is also present. Shown near the Northwest Passage is the early mythical great lake, Lac Conibas, which made an earlier appearance on Wytfliet's 1597 map. To the right of the title is a scene illustrating the attack on Frobisher's vessel by American Indians. Although his map was vastly superior to Ortelius' map of the Americas, De Jode's atlas sold poorly, accounting for the rarity of this work.

LC Call Number: G3300 1593 .J6

OCLC: 76701470


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