
Collection: Osher Map Library Collection

Name: Geography.


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Dimensions: 38 x 24

Notes: 38 x 24 cm with double hemispheres 7.5 cm each.

Physical Description: Double hemisphere world map depicting California as an island. Surrounding oval contains engravings showing how the land is measured. Includes illustrations of a cartographer's studio. Dedication: "To the Rt. Honble George Berkeley Ld. Berkeley, manibray, segrave, & Bruce, Baron of Berkeley Castle & Earle of Berkeley, & one of the Lords of his Majestyes most honble Privi Councell & c. Anno Dom 1678. This plate is humbly dedicated by Ricd. Blome."

LC Call Number: G3201.B5 1678

OCLC: 953193105

Accession Number: OML-1678-3

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