A New and Correct Map of the World Projected upon the Plane of the Horizon laid down from the Newest Discoveries and most Exact Observations By C. Price | Sold by G Willdey at the Great Toy Shop next the Dog Tavern in Ludgate where may be had several other Maps of this Size 1714. | To his Grace Charles Duke of Shrewsbury Lord Chamberlain of the Houshold, and one of the Lords of Her Majtis: most Honble: Privy council Knight of the Garter, &c. This Map is most humbly Dedicated & presented By his Graces Most humble & most Obedient Servt. C. Price

Collection: Osher Collection

Name: A New and Correct Map of the World Projected upon the Plane of the Horizon laid down from the Newest Discoveries and most Exact Observations By C. Price | Sold by G Willdey at the Great Toy Shop next the Dog Tavern in Ludgate where may be had several other Maps of this Size 1714. | To his Grace Charles Duke of Shrewsbury Lord Chamberlain of the Houshold, and one of the Lords of Her Majtis: most Honble: Privy council Knight of the Garter, &c. This Map is most humbly Dedicated & presented By his Graces Most humble & most Obedient Servt. C. Price


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Dimensions: 62 x 98.5 cm on sheet 66.6 x 99.3 cm. Double hemispheres 50 cm each.

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LC Call Number: G3200 1714.p7

OCLC: 1003646341


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