A New Map of the Western Parts of Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland and North Carolina: Comprehending the River Ohio, and all the Rivers which fall into it; Part of the River Mississippi, the Whole of the Illinois River, Lake Erie, Part of the Lakes Huron, Michigan &c. And all the Country bordering on these Lakes and Rivers. By Thos. Hutchins. Captain in the 60 Regiment of Foot. and Surveyor General to the United States.

Collection: Osher Collection

Name: A New Map of the Western Parts of Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland and North Carolina: Comprehending the River Ohio, and all the Rivers which fall into it; Part of the River Mississippi, the Whole of the Illinois River, Lake Erie, Part of the Lakes Huron, Michigan &c. And all the Country bordering on these Lakes and Rivers. By Thos. Hutchins. Captain in the 60 Regiment of Foot. and Surveyor General to the United States.


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Notes: Includes handwritten label originally on verso of map: "Map of the Western Parts of Virginia Pennsylvania Maryland and North Carolina by Thos. Hutchins 1787". Map is backed onto linen.

Physical Description:

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Dimensions: 83.3 x 101.8 cm on sheet 85.2 x 104.5 cm

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