
  • Arthur M. Ryan Reference Room

    The reference room is OML's heart, where visitors can access rare, reference, and digital resources. Entry to the reference room and associated spaces is from the library arcade.The Arthur M. Ryan Reference Room contains the non-circulating...

  • Profile Test

    Cum esset Caesar in citeri?re Gallia, cr?bri ad eum r?m?res adfer?bantur. Litteris item Labi?ni certior f??bat omnes Belgas contra populum R?m?num coni?r?re obsid?sque inter se dare. Coni?randi hae erant causae: 5 pr?mum ver?bantur ne ad se exercitus...

  • Cartography Corner Spring and Winter 2012

    Cartography Corner contains news about recent achievements and upcoming opportunities taking place in OML's K-12 Education Outreach programs.CartographyCornerWinterSpring2012...

  • The “Percy Map”: Maps and Military Strategy during the Revolution

    [expand title="EXHIBIT NAVIGATION"] The "Percy Map": Maps and Military Strategy during the Revolution The Percy Map: Provenance and Dating Hugh Percy and Military Mapping Hugh Percy: Biography Military Mapping in the Revolution Re...

  • Maps of Route 66: How Road Maps Built an American Legend

    [expand title="EXHIBIT NAVIGATION"] Maps of Route 66: How Road Maps Built an American Legend I. Before 66 II. Mapping the Dream III. The Early Days IV. Rise in Popularity V. Iconography VI. 2,300 Miles from Chicago to LA VII...

  • The Mitchell Map, 1755-1782: An Irony of Empire

    Click here for high-resolution map image [expand title="EXHIBIT NAVIGATION"] The Mitchell Map, 1755-1782: An Irony of Empire I. Introduction and Overview II. Narrative Account III. Cartographic Notes IV. The Mitchell Map in Paris V. The Iron...

  • The Basle 1494 Columbus Letter

    [expand title="EXHIBIT NAVIGATION"] The Basle 1494 Columbus Letter The Book: Facsimile and Context Transcription Translation The Diffusion of Columbus's Letter through Europe, 1493-1497 Bibliographical Summary of the Seventeen Editions of the F...

  • The Grand Tour and Development of Tourism, 1600 to 1900

    October 4, 2011 ~ April 28, 2012 ... This exhibition commemorates the 400th anniversary of the publication in 1611 of Coryat’s Crudities, Thomas Coryat’s account of a five-month journey across Europe. A poor parson’s son, Coryat demonstrated th...

  • American Treasures

    October 18, 2009 ~ August 21, 2010 ... American Treasures celebrates the reopening of the newly renovated and expanded Osher Map Library and Smith Center for Cartographic Education at the University of Southern Maine. It explores the library’s rich...

  • Printed Maps of the District and State of Maine 1793-1860

    March 8, 2011 ~ August 25, 2011 ... Edward V. Thompson, Guest CuratorPrinted Maps of the District and State of Maine, 1793-1860, celebrates Edward V. Thompson’s recent publication of the same title (published by the Nimue Books & Prints in Ba...