
  • Animal Crossing Custom Design How Tos

    How to download designs from the Custom Designs Portal (requires internet connection) First go to the Custom Designs Portal in the back of the Able Sisters' Tailor Shop. Stand directly in front of it and hit "A," the dialogue prompts will ask you if...

  • Lemuel Moody Documents Transcriptions

      By Document: The Portland Pilot directions for sailing into Portland, and Harbors adjacent Item Transcription Item Record and Images Coast Chart 115 Plum Island to Stratford Shoal Long Island Sound Item Transcription Ite...

  • “Sphaerarum Artificialium Typica…” by Homann (1716)

    "Sphaerarum Artificialium Typica..." by Homann (1716) Title: Sphaerarum Artificialium Typica Repraesentatio novissime alumbrata A Johanne Baptista Homanno Noribergae Barcode: 1824 Creator: Homann, Johann Baptist (1664 -1724) Date Published: 1716 ...

  • “Les Marins Monstres & Terrestres” by Sebastian Munster (1550)

    "Les Marins Monstres & Terrestres" by Sebastian Munster (1550) Title: Les Marins Monstres & Terrestres, lesquelz on trouve en beaucoup de lieux es parties septentrionales Title Translation: The Marines & Terrestrial Monsters, which are ...

  • Educational Map Set: World Maps and Geography

      Are you a classroom teacher within the Greater Portland area? We are happy to lend high-quality printed reproductions of this map set at no cost as part of an Activity Kit for use in your classroom. The kit will also include a variety of ag...

  • Educational Map Set: Portland History

      Are you a classroom teacher within the Greater Portland area? We are happy to lend high-quality printed reproductions of this map set at no cost as part of an Activity Kit for use in your classroom. The kit will also include a variety of ag...

  • Educational Map Set: Expansion of the United States

      Are you a classroom teacher within the Greater Portland area? We are happy to lend high-quality printed reproductions of this map set at no cost as part of an Activity Kit for use in your classroom. The kit will also include a variety of ag...

  • Educational Map Set: Colonial New England

      Are you a classroom teacher within the Greater Portland area? We are happy to lend high-quality printed reproductions of this map set at no cost as part of an Activity Kit for use in your classroom. The kit will also include a variety of ag...

  • Educational Map Set: Maine

      Are you a classroom teacher within the Greater Portland area? We are happy to lend high-quality printed reproductions of this map set at no cost as part of an Activity Kit for use in your classroom. The kit will also include a variety of ag...

  • PREVIEW – Mapping Maine: The Land and Its Peoples, 1677–1842

    Bicentennial Show Preview Although we had to cancel our public opening and lecture on March 21, 2020, we are still so excited to share a preview of our upcoming exhibit. Please enjoy the following excerpt from our upcoming bicentennial exhibition, "...