This exhibition was curated by guest curator Lincoln Paine with the invaluable assistance of USM student Matthew O. Carter, who kept track of the guest curator, Curtis Hill, and Tom Edwards; the OML imaging center’s Ron Levere, David Neikirk and Adinah Barnett, who digitized and put on-line the nearly 2,900 items in the Morse Collection in record time; Roberta Ransley and Jeff Eastman, who made it possible to find and track all of the items that comprise the Morse Collection; Renee Keul, who created the K-12 activities: Katherine Otterson and Lucinda Hannington, who designed and executed the exhibition checklist; and Stuart Hunter, our indispensable framer and installation guru. Special thanks are due to Josh Smith and the American Merchant Marine Museum for the gift of certain items on view here, to Russell Levere and Hal Fessenden for the loan of items from their personal collections, and as always, to Yolanda Theunissen, Prof. Matthew Edney, and Dr. Harold Osher.
The exhibition is dedicated to the memory of Norman Morse, who did not live to see his life’s work displayed. We sincerely hope it meets his expectations.